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Ani Lodro 2-Day Retreat at the Vajra Vidya Sangha House in Parker, CO

Sat, Jan 13


Vajra Vidya Sangha House

Ani Lodro's 2 Day Retreat:- 'What is Awakening? The Pursuit of Happiness and End of Personal Suffering' is a series of talks, Guided Meditations, Q&A, and retreat offering with Ani Lodro Palmo on the nature of mind.

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Time & Location

Jan 13, 2024, 9:30 AM MST – Jan 14, 2024, 4:00 PM MST

Vajra Vidya Sangha House, 11305 S Fire Rock Drive, Parker, CO, USA

About the event

A 2 Day retreat guided by Ani Lodro on the nature of MindWhat is Awakening: The Pursuit of Happiness and End of Personal Suffering

In this retreat we will again explore the  deeper teachings within Tibetan Buddhism for those wanting to experience the natural state of mind and quicken the clearing away of the obscurations that inhibit our view of ourselves and the world.  We draw from the many "secret" teachings that were buried during the time of Padmasambhava's life on Earth 1,500 years ago, and have been found over the last 60 years, auspiciously coinciding with the path of Buddhism moving into the West.  These teachings  have previously  not  been available to humanity, and are said to only become known and entrusted to us when we are ready to hear them with pure hearts and intentions.  In our sessions together, we will be reading from, and discussing together, the vital oral instructions by the Great Yogi and Master, Padmasambhava, offered to "condense the realization of all the buddhas".  Passages will be taken from the books - "Advice from the Lotus Born: A Collection of Padmasambhava's Advice from the Terma Treasure Revelations", and "Treasures from Juniper Ridge:  The Profound Treasury Instructions" 

Although teachings from these volumes are considered advanced, the essential guidance being given from Padmasambhava centers on the connection between 'thinking' and 'suffering', a topic that is being addressed by many spiritual teachings and teachers in this modern day. This guidance provides step by step instructions on what it takes for us to 'stop'.  What this means is that we can ultimately step out of the thinking mind to experience peace and feeling a harmonious connection to the world around us. This retreat provides explanation, instructions, practices and meditation that support our ability to no longer continue the habitual pattern of thinking about ourselves, and what's wrong with us and everything else.  Through our ability to attain mastery of our minds, thinking subsides. The result is discovering what is left of us when we are no longer ceaslessly worrying about ourselves and sharing our stories. In Buddhist view, the wonderful experience of liberation begins to dawn.   Explanation and commentary will be given throughout the retreat to bridge the esoteric nature of these writings to be most relatable for our Western cultured minds, and richly felt in our hearts. All questions are welcome during the sessions.

Retreat Schedule

  9:30 AM  Sitting

10:00 AM  Talk / Guided Meditation

12:00 PM  Lunch at the Vajra Vidya House

  1:00 PM  Talk / Guided Meditation

  2:00 PM  Question and Answers

  3:00 PM  Sitting

The total cost for this retreat is $220. Lunch will be provided.

For those who can only join us for 1 day, Saturday's sessions will be made available at a cost of $110.

To register please go to the donations tab at to make a payment. For further information or questions, please email Karma Chöying at

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